A to Z directory of services: Click on a letter or number

A to Z directory of services: Click on a letter or number

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Telephone: 01743 444100

Email: info@schoolgrants.co.uk

Website: https://www.aandslandscape.co.uk/community-recycle-scheme

The scheme is an exciting new initiative which supports education facilities throughout the UK by donating second-hand and end of line equipment to schools. It helps schools save money whilst also preventing these items going to landfill. School...

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Age Group: All

Telephone: .

Email: anna@consumersafetyguide.com

Website: https://www.consumersafetyguide.com

We’re here to help you and your loved ones get the answers you need about consumer and medical products. We want to educate the public and ensure consumers are informed about defective medical products, dangerous drugs, and high-risk consume...

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Age Group: 0 to 19 years

Venue Address: Sunshine House, 27 Peckham Road, Camberwell, SE5 8UH

Telephone: 020 3049 8100

The continuing care nursing team provide support to children and young people with complex needs through assessment to help identify any nursing needs as part of a specific care package of support. Assessments are made by senior nursing staff and ...

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Telephone: 01293 224706

Email: info@country-cousins.co.uk

Website: https://www.country-cousins.co.uk/live-in-care/

Operating since 1959, Country Cousins is the longest-established introductory live-in care agency in the UK. Having served as a Royal Navy Nursing Sister in the UK and France during WW2, Josephine McGregor started a small business from her home in...

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Age Group: 12+

Telephone: 0800 077 3063

Email: hello@cpd.email

Website: https://cpdonline.co.uk

All of our courses at CPD Online College are written by specialists in their field of work, and put together with expert knowledge to give you, our students, the best learning experience we possible. Perfect for anyone wanting to learn new skills ...

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Age Group: 0 to 5 years

Venue Address: Crawford Road, Camberwell, SE5 9NF

Telephone: 020 7274 8543

Website: https://www.dulwichwood.com/aardvarkcc/

Children's centres provide advice and support for parents and carers. Their services are available to you from pregnancy right through to when your child goes into reception class at primary school. Services offered at all children's centres C...

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Age Group: 12 to 15 years

Venue Address: Marlborough Sports Garden 11-25 Union Street SE1 1SD

Dates and times: Thursdays 4:30pm to 5:30pm

Telephone: 07858 041357

Email: sports@bost.org.uk

Weekly sports sessions delivered by qualified coaches.

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Telephone: 0808 808 1677

Email: info@cruse.org.uk

Website: http://www.cruse.org.uk

Charity providing support to people who have been bereaved by death. Cruse currently offers the following services free of charge to bereaved people: • One to one bereavement support for children by specially trained volunteers • One...

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Age Group: Five to 18 years

Venue Address: Pilgrims Way Children and Family Centre, Tustin Estate, Manor Grove, SE15 1EF

Dates and times: Every Monday starting 19 September 2022 from 12pm to 2pm

Telephone: 020 7525 3824

Email: cygnet@southwark.gov.uk

Cygnet is a parenting course presented by professionals with expertise in the field of Autism. Parents who attend the course gain a greater understanding of their child's condition in the following areas: What is Autism? Communication Sensory I...

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Age Group: 16 to 65 years

Telephone: Email only

Email: Hello@deafunity.org

Website: https://deafunity.org/

Deaf Unity is a registered charity based in Hammersmith & Fulham. We work to nurture, empower and train deaf individuals across the UK. We have a strong focus on providing information and training to youths and graduates to ensure they have what t...

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