A to Z directory of services: Click on a letter or number

A to Z directory of services: Click on a letter or number

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There are 29 services beginning with 'C' (10 entries on this page)


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Telephone: 0808 800 5000

Email: help@nspcc.org.uk

Child trafficking is child abuse. Children are recruited, moved or transported and then exploited, forced to work or sold. They are often subject to multiple forms of exploitation. Children are trafficked for: Child sexual exploitation Benefit ...

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Telephone: 0800 013 0639

Email: family.info@southwark.gov.uk

Website: https://www.southwark.gov.uk/childcare-and-parenting/childcare

Childcare information such as Childminders, Nurseries, Pre schools, Breakfast clubs, Afterschool clubs and Holiday playschemes can be found through Southwark's Family Information Service .Please click on the website.

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Dates and times: Monday to Friday

Telephone: 0300 330 5480

Website: www.childlawadvice.org.uk

We provide free legal resources with advice and information on all aspects family, child and education law affecting children and families. We also operate a limited intensive support telephone line for complex matters and clarifying questions.

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Age Group: 18 and over

Venue Address: The venues are studios scattered all over London with many different locations to choose from.

Dates and times: On going classes during the evenings and weekends for adults

Telephone: +44 (0)20 7042 8833

Email: info@city-academy.com

Website: www.city-academy.com

Connect with like-minded people and learn new skills with City Academy’s range of creative and performing arts courses. Classes at venues in Southwark and other locations across central London. Dance, act, sing, draw, paint or write your way to cr...

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Term time only: Yes

Venue Address: The City Law School Building 165 Goswell Road London EC1V 7HD

Telephone: 020 7040 5414

Email: schoolexclusionservice@city.ac.uk

Website: www.city.ac.uk/about/facilities/specialist-facilities/city-community-legal-advice-centre

Offering casework and representation to families of children who have been excluded from London state schools (i.e. maintained schools, academies, & pupil referral units) at: - Meetings with school governors to challenge a permanent exclusion ...

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Age Group: 0 to 5 years

Venue Address: Coin Street Neighbourhood Centre, 108 Stamford Street, Borough, SE1 9NH

Telephone: 020 7021 1600

Email: helpdesk@coinstreet.org

Website: www.coinstreet.org

Children's centres provide advice and support for parents and carers. Their services are available to you from pregnancy right through to when your child goes into reception class at primary school. Services offered at all children's centres C...

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Age Group: 0 to 5 years

Term time only: Yes

Venue Address: Coin Street Neighbourhood Centre, 108 Stamford Street, SE1 9NH

Dates and times: Tuesdays 1:30pm to 3pm

Telephone: 020 7021 1600

Email: helpdesk@coinstreet.org or h.beharry@coinstreet.org

Are you concerned about your child’s development or having difficulty accessing services for your family? Hommie, our Family Support and Outreach Manager will be in Sharing Stories and available for one to one advice.

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Age Group: 8 years and over

Term time only: Yes

Venue Address: The Castle Centre, 2 St Gabriel Walk, London SE1 6FG

Dates and times: Saturdays 2.30pm – 4pm (term time only)

Telephone: 020 7021 0973

Email: info@disabilitysportscoach.co.uk

Website: https://www.disabilitysportscoach.co.uk/community-clubs/club-southwark/

Weekly multisport club for all disabled people.

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Age Group: 0 to 19 years

Telephone: 020 7733 0297

Email: info@cenlive.org

Website: www.cenlive.org

Free Advice, Support and Representation to Parents of Children who are at risk of exclusion or have been excluded from school. we also specialise in early intervention and preventative cases by working in partnership with the family, the school an...

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Age Group: 0 to 19 years

Venue Address: Sunshine House, 27 Peckham Road, Camberwell, SE5 8UH

Telephone: 020 3049 8100

These doctors specialise in children's health and development. They have a particular interest in vulnerable children or those with special needs. They assess the child as a whole, the child diagnosis, planning and coordinating care. They ass...

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