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There are 85 services with the keyword(s) 'rye' (10 entries on this page)

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Age Group: Four years and over

Term time only: No

Venue Address: Tuition does not take place at the registered office. All tuition lessons are taught in your home or are online and at your convenience; whether weekdays, weekends, mornings, afternoons, evenings or holiday periods.

Dates and times: Office hours: Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm

Telephone: 0330 058 0908

Email: office@teacherstoyourhome.com

Website: https://www.teacherstoyourhome.com/uk

Teachers To Your Home provides high-quality home and online tuition in Southwark and across London. We aim to provide the highest quality of service to families and to teachers; providing high-quality home and online tuition and the very best out...

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Telephone: 0800 566 8490

Email: enquiries@sold.co.uk

Website: https://www.sold.co.uk/

If you're struggling to sell your home in Southwark, or require a fast house sale due to divorce or repossession the team at SOLD.CO.UK can help. You choose how we sell your property and it is completely free, we even cover your legal costs. ...

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Venue Address: Nationwide live in care provider

Telephone: 08081561596

Email: hello@novus-care.com

Website: https://www.novus-care.com/

Novus Care is a family run live in care agency providing quality live-in care in the home to the elderly and those living with complex care needs across Southwark and the surrounding areas. For over 10 years we have been committed to providing ...

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Age Group: All Welcome

Telephone: 07441 393697

Email: luke@insideaddiction.co.uk

Website: https://www.insideaddiction.co.uk/

We offer local Addiction Counselling with addiction therapy specialists. We're proud that our renowned local counsellors have guided hundreds to a life free from the grasp of drugs and alcohol. The team of expert psychotherapists deliver a proven ...

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Term time only: No

Telephone: 07792 320549

Email: info@kinshipcarershub.com

Website: www.kinshipcarershub.org

Kinship Hub is a South London community-based service aimed at supporting kinship carers across London and the UK. Kinship carers are people raising relatives or children within their network, who, for one reason or another, are unable to live wit...

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Age Group: 0 to 5 years

Venue Address: Ivydale Road, Nunhead, SE15 3BU

Telephone: 020 7639 2702

Email: Childrencentre@ivydale.southwark.sch.uk

Website: https://www.pprncfc.com/ivydale-cfc

Children's centres provide advice and support for parents and carers. Their services are available to you from pregnancy right through to when your child goes into reception class at primary school. Services offered at all children's centres C...

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Telephone: 0330 0535014

Email: hello@iphomecare.co.uk

Website: https://www.ip-live-in-care.co.uk/live-in-care/

Live-in care is an affordable alternative to a care home. We are an award-winning dedicated live-in care agency. We provide experienced vetted carers that can help keep you or a loved one to remain living independent and safe at home. We can suppo...

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Age Group: 7-17

Term time only: No

Dates and times: Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm

Telephone: 020 7735 9535

Email: hearourvoice@prisonadvice.org.uk

Website: www.prisonadvice.org.uk

Pact (Prison Advice and Care Trust) provides one-to-one mentoring support to young people aged 7-17 affected by the imprisonment of a family member. This can include young people affected at any stage of the criminal justice system, from arrest to...

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Age Group: Anyone 11+

Term time only: No

Venue Address: Face to face, online and telephone services available

Dates and times: National Gambling Helpline available 24/7

Telephone: 0808 80 20 133

Email: london@gamcare.org.uk

Website: www.gamcare.org.uk

GamCare operates the National Gambling Helpline, providing information, advice and support for anyone affected by gambling problems. Advisers are available 24 hours a day on Freephone 0808 8020 133 or via web chat at www.gamcare.org.uk. We also of...

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Age Group: 8-13

Term time only: No

Venue Address: Living Space Centre, 1 Coral St, London SE1 7BE

Dates and times: School holidays

Telephone: 020 3778 0323

Email: info@freetobekids.org.uk

Website: https://www.freetobekids.org.uk

Free to Be Kids is a London based charity, supporting children and young people who are struggling with emotional or social difficulties, through nature based residentials.

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