A to Z directory of services: Click on a letter or number

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Telephone: 0800 833 162

Email: info@carelinesos.co.uk

Website: www.carelinesos.co.uk

Our services provide a fast, easy and reliable way to get help for you, whatever the time of day or night. With our personal alarms, CarelineSOS can offer a confidential support service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. If you requir...

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Age Group: 11 - to 16 year olds

Term time only: No

Venue Address: Sherborne House, 34 Decima St, London SE1 4QQ

Dates and times: Monday to Fridays

Telephone: 0207 939 1220 or 07816086703

Email: kaya.thompson@depaulcharity.org.uk

Website: https://uk.depaulcharity.org/

We provide family mediation, Support family's in conflict and prevent homelessness.

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Age Group: 11 to 18

Telephone: 020 7525 5544 or 07983 443545

Email: transport@southwark.gov.uk

Monthly training bus The training bus is a 90 minute interactive journey. Scenarios cover personal and road safety enabling participants to make full use of London's bus network. A to B independent travel training This is available for so...

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Age Group: 5 to 17

Telephone: 020 8555 1200 Ext. 30842

Email: firesetters@london-fire.gov.uk

Website: http://www.london-fire.gov.uk/JuvenileFireSettersInterventionSchemeJFIS.asp

The Juvenile Firesetters Intervention Scheme (JFIS) works with parents and carers to address firesetting behaviour by their children. Our JFIS programme is free and deals with firesetting behaviour in children/young people. Specially trained Ca...

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Age Group: 18 to 80 years

Term time only: No

Venue Address: Dalbury House, Ferndale Rd, London SW9 8AP

Telephone: 020 3239 8229

Email: support@ohassessment.com

Website: https://occupationalhealthassessment.com/

Occupational Health Assessment Ltd provides support for businesses and families to deliver medical support and fitness certification.

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Telephone: 020 7593 1290

Email: southwark@solacewomensaid.org

Provides increased security to the victim and their home, including: • A secure room to which the victim and their family can retreat in an emergency • Strengthened and increased fire resistance to doors, and strengthened door frames a...

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Telephone: 0808 168 9111

Email: supportline@victimsupport.org.uk

Website: http://www.victimsupport.org.uk

Provides four distinct yet complimentary services to over 15,000 people each year from all sections of the community. All of our services are free, confidential and non-judgemental. The services we provide for anyone affected by crime are: &bu...

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Age Group: 14 years and over

Dates and times: Monday to Friday 10am to 4pm and from 6pm-9pm on Wednesdays.

Telephone: 0808 801 0660

Email: advice@wgn.org.uk.

Website: www.wgn.org.uk

Immediate, free and confidential information, advice, advocacy and support for women and girls affected by any form of gendered violence and abuse. The Advice Line is also open to professionals who need support on cases related to gendered violenc...

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