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Telephone: 07554084839

Email: admin@jagsconnect.org

Website: http://jagsconnect.org

Jags Connect is an online self-help community for parents, carers and teachers affected by serious youth violence. We were born from one family’s loss but have grown to support all families in search of brighter futures. We believe in empoweri...

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Dates and times: Daily 8am to midnight

Telephone: 0808 802 0133

Email: info@gamcare.org.uk

Website: www.gamcare.org.uk

GamCare offers advice, information and practical help over the phone and online for problem gamblers, their family members and friends. GamCare also offers counselling throughout Great Britain. GamCare counselling is designed to help you explore ...

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Dates and times: 24 hours, seven days a week

Telephone: 0808 802 9999

Email: info@rasasc.org.uk

Established since 1985, Rape Crisis South London changed its name from the Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centre (RASASC) in 2012, with the advent of three other Rape Crisis Centres created to provide specialist support to women living in the North...

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Term time only: No

Dates and times: Support lines are open 7 days a week, from 8am-10pm

Telephone: 0330 202 0015

Email: info@rehabsuk.com

Website: https://rehabsuk.com/locations/addiction-rehab-clinics-in-london/

Rehabs UK provides free and confidential addiction recovery support. We partner with a range of rehab clinics in London and across the UK, and each offers a variety of treatments to help you detox and recover, from month-long residential progra...

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Term time only: No

Telephone: 07933 393397

Email: suicidebereavement@blgmind.org.uk

Website: https://blgmind.org.uk/home/suicide-bereavement-support/

We offer support to adults and young people who have lost a loved one to suicide. The focus of the service is on people who have been recently bereaved. For young people under the age of 18 we offer 1-1 support with a bereavement worker, who can h...

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Age Group: 13 to 25 year olds

Telephone: 020 8305 5004

Email: youth@metrocharity.org.uk

SPARK is a free and confidential service for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBTQ) young people aged 13-25 in Southwark. The service includes: • Spark Youth Group for 16-25 year olds Spark Youth Group is a friendly & safe pl...

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Dates and times: Monday to Friday - 9.30am to 5.30pm

Telephone: 0808 802 1221

Email: info@tht.org.uk

Website: http://www.tht.org.uk

We are the largest voluntary sector provider of HIV and sexual health services in the UK, running services out of local centres across Great Britain. The range and availability of services provided at any one centre depends on the needs of the co...

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Age Group: All

Term time only: No

Telephone: 0800 024 6121

Email: info@thenbs.org

Website: https://thenbs.org/

We provide free practical advice and emotional support to anyone going through a bereavement. Our service can be accessed by phone, email or live webchat.

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Telephone: 0808 168 9111

Email: supportline@victimsupport.org.uk

Website: http://www.victimsupport.org.uk

Provides four distinct yet complimentary services to over 15,000 people each year from all sections of the community. All of our services are free, confidential and non-judgemental. The services we provide for anyone affected by crime are: &bu...

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Age Group: 14 years and over

Dates and times: Monday to Friday 10am to 4pm and from 6pm-9pm on Wednesdays.

Telephone: 0808 801 0660

Email: advice@wgn.org.uk.

Website: www.wgn.org.uk

Immediate, free and confidential information, advice, advocacy and support for women and girls affected by any form of gendered violence and abuse. The Advice Line is also open to professionals who need support on cases related to gendered violenc...

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