Age Group: 17 to 55 years
Venue Address: 2A Moonraker Point
Pocock Street
Dates and times: All year
Telephone: 020 7292 9140
Email: enrolments@train.fitness
Website: https://train.fitness/personal-training-courses
Personal training courses and fitness qualifications. All of our personal trainer courses are REPs accredited and internationally recognised. We offer full time, part time and distance personal training courses. Start your career with our personal...
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Age Group: 0 to 5 years
Venue Address: Tustin Estate, Manor Grove, London, SE15 1EF
Telephone: 0207 358 2870 / 0207 525 3901
Email: ccadmin@pilgrimsway.southwark.sch.uk
Website: https://br-cc.org.uk/
Children's centres provide advice and support for parents and carers. Their services are available to you from pregnancy right through to when your child goes into reception class at primary school.
Services offered at all children's centres
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Term time only: No
Dates and times: Support lines are open 7 days a week, from 8am-10pm
Telephone: 0330 202 0015
Email: info@rehabsuk.com
Website: https://rehabsuk.com/locations/addiction-rehab-clinics-in-london/
Rehabs UK provides free and confidential addiction recovery support.
We partner with a range of rehab clinics in London and across the UK, and each offers a variety of treatments to help you detox and recover, from month-long residential progra...
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Age Group: 0 to five years
Term time only: No
Venue Address: 1st Place Children and Parents Centre
Chumleigh Street
Burgess Park
Dates and times: Every Wednesday 09.30am – 12pm / 1pm –3pm
Telephone: 0207 740 8070
Website: www.1stplace.uk.com
Helping families to access fresh fruit and vegetables locally in partnership with East Street Market and 1st Place Children and Parents Centre. To find out if you qualify please call 1st Place reception.
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Age Group: 0 to 5 years
Venue Address: Hawkstone Road, Southwark Park, SE16 2PE
Telephone: 0207 358 2870 / 0207 525 3901
Email: ccadmin@pilgrimsway.southwark.sch.uk
Website: https://br-cc.org.uk/
Children's centres provide advice and support for parents and carers. Their services are available to you from pregnancy right through to when your child goes into reception class at primary school.
Services offered at all children's centres
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Age Group: 0 to 5 years
Venue Address: Whorlton Road, Peckham, SE15 3PD
Telephone: 020 3848 5780
Email: Childrencentre@ivydale.southwark.sch.uk
Website: https://www.pprncfc.com/ryeoak-cfc
Children's centres provide advice and support for parents and carers. Their services are available to you from pregnancy right through to when your child goes into reception class at primary school.
Services offered at all children's centres
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Age Group: 0 to 5 years
Venue Address: Tenda Road, Bermondsey, SE16 3PN
Telephone: 0207 358 2870 / 0207 525 3901
Email: ccadmin@pilgrimsway.southwark.sch.uk
Website: https://br-cc.org.uk/
Children's centres provide advice and support for parents and carers. Their services are available to you from pregnancy right through to when your child goes into reception class at primary school.
Services offered at all children's centres
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Age Group: 0 to 5 years
Venue Address: Albrighton Community Centre, Albrighton Road, SE22 8AH
Telephone: 020 7525 2017
Website: https://www.dulwichwood.com/aardvarkcc/
Children's centres provide advice and support for parents and carers. Their services are available to you from pregnancy right through to when your child goes into reception class at primary school.
Services offered at all children's centres
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Age Group: All
Venue Address: Thames Reach Employment Academy, 29 Peckham Road, SE5 8UA
Dates and times: Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm
Telephone: 0203 751 9684
Email: southwarkhub@together-uk.org
Website: http://www.together-uk.org/southwark-wellbeing-hub/the-directory/
The Southwark Wellbeing Hub is an Information, Navigation and Support Service for people in Southwark with mental health or wellbeing issues. We are here to help take the stress out of finding and receiving support.
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Age Group: 0 to 5 years
Venue Address: Tower Mill Road, Camberwell, SE15 6BP
Telephone: 020 7525 2017
Website: https://www.dulwichwood.com/aardvarkcc/
Children's centres provide advice and support for parents and carers. Their services are available to you from pregnancy right through to when your child goes into reception class at primary school.
Services offered at all children's centres
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