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Age Group: 0-5

Term time only: Yes

Venue Address: Canada Water Library, 21 Surrey Quays Road, London, SE16 7AR

Dates and times: Wednesday 9:20-10am

Telephone: 020 7525 2000

Email: little.bunnies.uk@gmail.com

Free Mandarin Nursery Rhyme Session for under 5s. We welcome families of any linguistic background.

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Age Group: All

Venue Address: 53 Addington Square, London SE5 7LB

Dates and times: Telephone Advice: Monday - Friday 2pm-4pm, Face to Face Advice: by appointment

Telephone: 02 03150 1470

Email: info@migrantlegalaction.org.uk

Website: https://www.migrantlegalaction.org.uk/

We can assist with: • Entry clearance visa application • Further leave to remain application • Variation of leave application • Nationality application • Check your application form

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Age Group: Five to 13 years

Term time only: Yes

Venue Address: St. Georges Rd, London, SE1 6ER

Dates and times: Every Monday 4pm to 5pm

Telephone: 03330 050411

Email: CharlieBaldwin@everyoneactive.com

Fun filled sessions.

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Age Group: Three to five years

Term time only: Yes

Venue Address: 100 Lower Road, London SE16 2TR

Dates and times: Every Wednesday 10am to11am

Telephone: 03330 050411

Email: charliebaldwin@everyoneactive.com

Bring your toddlers along to this fun filled soccer session.

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Age Group: Three to five years

Venue Address: The Castle Centre, 2 St Gabriel Walk, London SE1 6FG

Dates and times: Mondays 10am to 11am, Saturdays 9am to 10pm

Telephone: 03330 050411

Email: CharlieBaldwin@everyoneactive.com

Bring your toddlers to this fun and exciting session of soccer.

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Age Group: 6 to 15 years

Term time only: No

Venue Address: Southwark Bridge Road, Lant Street, SE1 1QP

Dates and times: Wednesday to Friday - 3pm to 7pm and Saturday - 11am to 5pm

Telephone: 07927 565502

Email: Jamie.ramsey@ southwark.gov.uk

If you have not visited Mint St for a while, why not check out the new adventure structures. The new structures were funded by The Big Lottery. Mint St Adventure Playground provides opportunities for children and young people to play and learn in...

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Age Group: 6 months to 18 months

Term time only: No

Venue Address: 1st Place Children and Parents Centre Chumleigh Street Burgess Park London SE5 0RN

Dates and times: Every Monday from 6 January 2020 Ongoing from 1:30 - 3pm

Telephone: 0207 740 8070

Email: judy.morris@1stplace.uk.com

Website: www.1stplace.uk.com

If you baby too small for Stay and Play? Movers and Shakers is the next step from Baby Time where your baby can explore and begin to make friends. Our Early Years Practitioners are available to offer support and advice, and lead story and singing ...

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Age Group: 11 years and over

Venue Address: The Castle Leisure Centre, 2 St Gabriel Walk, Elephant & Castle SE1 6FG

Dates and times: Saturdays 2:30pm to 4pm

Telephone: 020 7928 4267

Email: clubs@disabilitysportscoach.co.uk or laurenm@disabilitysportscoach.co.uk

Website: www.disabilitysportscoach.co.uk

Enjoy a fun and relaxed Saturday session although some participants do get very competitive! So if you fancy a new sports session we urge you to come along. Athletics, boccia and volleyball are amongst the popular sports at this club. Swimmin...

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Age Group: 11 years and over

Venue Address: Online

Telephone: +44 (0)7984 158 554

Email: theteam@themidimusiccompany.co.uk

Website: www.themidimusiccompany.co.uk/courses

AYM (Aspiring Young Musicians) courses for 11-16 year old music makers: Affordable weekly online courses in Ableton Music Production, MC/Spoken word Skills & Keyboard Skills for Songwriting. Cre8tivĀ® courses for ages 16+ & adult courses: Boo...

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Age Group: Most appropriate for ages 6 - 12

Term time only: No

Venue Address: National Theatre Upper Ground London SE1 9PX

Dates and times: School holidays

Telephone: 0207 452 3388

Email: learning@nationaltheatre.org.uk

Website: https://www.nationaltheatre.org.uk/families

Family days for adults and children to enjoy together take place during school holidays throughout the year. Families can discover the skills and secrets behind productions at the National Theatre through a range of workshops including costume mak...

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